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Nicky Cochran

작성자 정보

  • manager-hayanmi 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


Dear Nicky,

We love you Nicky.
We are so happy you were part of our familiy.
You were good older brother to Nana and Nicole.
We will never forget you and we know you are in heaven now with all of our loved ones.
Rest In Peace,You are a good boy.

Tim Cochran,
Sunghee Cochran &
Nicole Cochran.


댓글 3


  • 작성일
I still cant believe he is gone. My little brother who connect all of us as one family. I love you honey i still cant stop crying when i think about you. Will i ever move on? I dont know i love you Nicky boy

so-young님의 댓글

  • so-young
  • 작성일
니키야 니나만나서 행복해? 그곳에서니나랑즐거운시간보내고맘껏뛰어놀아라 너를만나서즐거웠고 사랑한다 니가그립고하면사진보며너를기억하께 다음생이있다면우리또만나자 잘가라니키야~

Soohyun님의 댓글

  • Soohyun
  • 작성일
Dear my best brother. I can't not forget when you came to our family and I took care you because you were small little puppy. I still remember that I trained you and you were hate me but I was happy when you done as I was told you. I found your video and my heart sank when I saw your picture and video. I hope you meet Nina and have a good time with her. I love you and miss you my brother. Rest In Peace.